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Forfatterens bildeNTO

NTO demands actions against the floodwave of cocain flushing in over the nordic countries.

Joint statement from the presidents of the Nordic Customs Unions Organization (NTO)

Reykjavik Iceland 3. oktober 2023

Cocaine and organized crime in the Nordic countries.


In the Nordic countries we are all effected by the flood wave of cocaine hitting our countries. Several tons of drugs are seized the last year alone.

We`re also devastated by the violent development in Sweden, where organized crime has risen to new and unprecedented hights.

Organized crime and smuggling are cross-border criminality and must be combatted, not by each nation on its own, but as a multinational cooperation.

The only governmental organizations that have full authority on the borders, and therefore stands on the frontline in combatting cross-border crime, is the Customs authorities.

The need for a solid border control and well developed multi-national cooperation on an intelligence and operative level have never been clearer or more important. Today’s situation shows organized crime which we never have seen in Nordic countries before.

The Nordic Customs Union Organization (NTO) urge the Nordic governments and the Nordic parliaments to help protecting our communities by:

• strengthening the national customs agencies

• facilitate for an even better cooperation across the borders

• the number of, and presence of, border control officers must be increased

• more investments in modern tools, equipment, and relevant control facilities all along the borders

• safety of the officers must be a constant priority.

The NTO demands that the Nordic governments must include the Customs in their strategies and measures to reduce the ongoing threats to our common societies.

Who are we:

Mission statement: Nordic Customs Unions Organization (NTO) is an organization compiled by the national customs unions from the Nordic Countries. NTO`s intention is to maintain the liaison and further develop the collaboration between the participating unions. This can be achieved through exchange of experiences, expertise and best practices and cooperation around specific issues.

The unions are:

Dansk Told & Skatteforbund (DK)

Tull/Kust (SE)

Tollvardafelag Islands (IS)

Tulliliitto (FI)

Tullivirkimiesliitto (FI)

Norsk Tollerforbund (NO)"

Download the press release here:


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